When it comes to fighting climate change, Alberta is "all hat, no cattle". They talk a good story but their weak climate policies allow their climate pollution to surge out of control, forcing climate failure on our nation.
The Alberta Government repeatedly highlights what it claims is its cutting edge carbon tax of $15 per tonne of carbon dioxide (tCO2). Just last week they paid $30,000 to run a half page ad in the New York Times lobbying for the Keystone XL pipeline, proclaiming:
"Alberta already has a $15 price on carbon."
Oddly, they left out the fact that only about 2% of Alberta's emissions pay their carbon tax.
I wonder if they sell oil the same way in Alberta? "We charge $60 per barrel but you can have 98% of the barrels for free."
And what about their other Pigovian taxes? Does Alberta collect tobacco taxes on only 2% of cigarettes? Do they collect alcohol taxes on just 2% booze?
Somehow I think not.
Here are the actual carbon numbers...
(note: this is just an excerpt from my full article published on the Vancouver Observer. Please click the link below to read the full article.)Click here to read the rest of this article...