All climate change charts and graphics on this website that say they are created by Barry Saxifrage are licensed for free re-use and modification under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Visual Carbon Site Index
Our Climate Change Articles
Our articles collected here have all been published first in other magazines and websites. Most articles link to the original publication if it exists online. If you wish, you can also browse these same articles grouped by topic using the drop-down "Topics" menu at the top of this page.
My airstrip concern: oversized private jet emissions by Barry Saxifrage
Canada’s fossil-fuelled sprint away from climate safety by Barry Saxifrage
How Canada didn't meet the Copenhagen Accord's 2020 targets. by Barry Saxifrage
Canada's accelerating forest carbon crisis by Barry Saxifrage
Canada is a rogue super-emitter by Barry Saxifrage
Canada’s failure to cut emissions is coming back to bite us by Barry Saxifrage
Canada's top 10 emission changes-what worked, what failed by Barry Saxifrage
Wrong-way Canada emitting more while our G7 peers clean up by Barry Saxifrage
Gas for less than 35 cents a 'litre'? by Barry Saxifrage
How B.C.’s forests became a carbon-spewing liability by Barry Saxifrage
Driving off the climate cliff in Alberta versus Norway by Barry Saxifrage
Climate snapshot: Bay du Nord by Barry Saxifrage
‘Electrify homes’? Canadians sticking with fossil methane by Barry Saxifrage
‘Electrify transport’? Canadians stomp on the gas instead by Barry Saxifrage
‘Electrify everything’? Canada cranks fossil burning instead by Barry Saxifrage
Methane promises: Fool me 26 times … by Barry Saxifrage
Dirty energy: Coal versus cars by Barry Saxifrage
Canada’s ‘carbon tax’ versus international gas taxes by Barry Saxifrage
Canada’s climate solution? Increase fossil fuel extraction. by Barry Saxifrage
Dixie Fire - latest monster in California’s megafire crisis by Barry Saxifrage
B.C. wildfires now burning 10 times more than in 1990s by Barry Saxifrage
Under siege, B.C.'s forests have started emitting CO2. by Barry Saxifrage
One of Canada’s biggest carbon sinks is circling the drain by Barry Saxifrage
These graphics show how the world is racing towards climate by Barry Saxifrage
Picture this — your carbon emissions as plastic straws by Barry Saxifrage
Canada pledges to strengthen 2030 climate targets. by Barry Saxifrage
The good, the bad and the ugly in Canada’s 2030 climate plan by Barry Saxifrage
Canada is losing the race to low-carbon prosperity by Barry Saxifrage
CO2 emissions from forestry are a surging climate threat by Barry Saxifrage
California megafires rise exponentially-global heating by Barry Saxifrage
Canada supporting fossil fuels at 10 times the G20 average by Barry Saxifrage
Global fossil burning breaks record in 2019. Canada top 1% by Barry Saxifrage
How Canada's managed forests became super-emitters by Barry Saxifrage
Why Canada needs Carbon Budget law... by Barry Saxifrage
Canada's emissions rise. Can we adopt U.K. Carbon Budget law by Barry Saxifrage
Forests into Carbon bombs-Ottawa pushes crisis off the books by Barry Saxifrage
As Canada's forests become carbon bombs, Ottawa ... by Barry Saxifrage
Americans 'alarmed' about climate crisis surges by Barry Saxifrage
CO2 from jet fuel is soaring: what can save the day? by Barry Saxifrage
Global climate summit. COP or Cop-out? by Barry Saxifrage
Tesla Cybertruck carbon crushes Ford F-150 by Barry Saxifrage
Wexit would create an emissions monster by Barry Saxifrage
Independent Alberta would be the worst climate polluter by Barry Saxifrage
Climate pollution in provinces Greta marched in vs Sweden's by Barry Saxifrage
How does our climate pollution compare to Sweden's? by Barry Saxifrage
Canadian cars are the world's dirtiest by Barry Saxifrage
Fossil fuel burning leaps to new record by Barry Saxifrage
Worst climate polluters–US military and Alberta's oilsands by Barry Saxifrage
Canada's nationwide climate success — electricity by Barry Saxifrage
Canada's big climate surprise by Barry Saxifrage
Canada vs UK: lessons in the climate fight by Barry Saxifrage
Canada on to meet Paris climate target, two centuries late by Barry Saxifrage
Canada's climate gap widens yet again by Barry Saxifrage
CleanBC vs LNG. Here's the missing chart explaining the gap by Barry Saxifrage
CO2 vs the COPs by Barry Saxifrage
The 'new abnormal' — California megafires are off-the-charts by Barry Saxifrage
LNG vs climate. 5 charts show burden on British Columbians by Barry Saxifrage
Canada's climate gap twice as big as claimed by Barry Saxifrage
'Hard cap' for oilsands climate pollution has big loopholes by Barry Saxifrage
There's some good news about Canada's 2020 climate target by Barry Saxifrage
Oilsands pollution on a collision course with... by Barry Saxifrage
Oceans absorb Trans Mountain pipeline and carbon pollution by Barry Saxifrage
Americans surpass Canadians in race against climate change by Barry Saxifrage
California's Thomas Fire torches record books by Barry Saxifrage
Hurricane Irma, global warming and the bomb by Barry Saxifrage
Fossil fuel expansion crushes renewables by Barry Saxifrage
These 'missing charts' shed light on fossil fuel addiction by Barry Saxifrage
Climate action opposites: Canada vs United Kingdom by Barry Saxifrage
Atmospheric CO2 levels accelerate upwards, smashing records by Barry Saxifrage
Canadians are making a gamble on climate and the economy by Barry Saxifrage
Alberta's clean and dirty energy plans, side by side by Barry Saxifrage
Opinion: Trudeau's CO2 Scorecard (update) by Barry Saxifrage
Opinion: Trudeau's carbon tsunami by the numbers by Barry Saxifrage
Oil production must start falling to keep planet safe by Barry Saxifrage
Keystone XL will exceed climate pollution from 100 by Barry Saxifrage
Trump's Keystone XL approval frees Trudeau to... by Barry Saxifrage
HFCs and Aviation head in opposite directions with emissions by Barry Saxifrage
Visualizing Canada's 2030 climate target: Show me the money! by Barry Saxifrage
Your guide to 2C travel -- Infographic by Barry Saxifrage
Industry's slower growth plans may not need more pipelines by Barry Saxifrage
Global heat records fall like dominoes, November joins in by Barry Saxifrage
Alberta's new climate policies: the missing infographic by Barry Saxifrage
As carbon cuts loom some Canadians have lots of clean energy by Barry Saxifrage
Humans 0 : Carbon 20 by Barry Saxifrage
Tar sands vs Canada's safe carbon budget by Barry Saxifrage
Big Oil takes on King Coal: the climate fight shifts gears by Barry Saxifrage
Climate pledges and progress in Canada, USA and Europe by Barry Saxifrage
Beyond governments: the emerging global movement to save our by Barry Saxifrage
Paris vs. Copenhagen: global majority now committed to clima by Barry Saxifrage
Climate change fuels Ca. record drought and "polar vortex" by Barry Saxifrage
Car Carbon: cool animation plus jaw-dropping impact left out by Barry Saxifrage
Obama's Keystone XL delay forces Harper to choose first by Barry Saxifrage
Surging fossil fuels leaving renewable energy far far behind by Barry Saxifrage
4 charts show huge climate impact from proposed KM pipeline by Barry Saxifrage
21 ways America destroys safe climate -- and 1 they don't by Barry Saxifrage
Fracking in America kills clean energy, leads to higher CO2 by Barry Saxifrage
BP: price carbon to avoid "worst impacts of climate change" by Barry Saxifrage
Ratio of fossil fuels to renewables unchanged in 25 years. by Barry Saxifrage
US State expects massive climate failure from Obama, world by Barry Saxifrage
Keystone, climate by Barry Saxifrage
Keystone XL report has major error on climate impact by Barry Saxifrage
Tar Secret #6: Oilsands pay one dime per barrel for CO2 by Barry Saxifrage
Unconventional oil and gas will fry climate: Exxon report by Barry Saxifrage
Climate pollution: 140 nations vs Alberta's tar sands by Barry Saxifrage
Collapsing share prices of US coal hold warning for BC, AB by Barry Saxifrage
Who is winning the race to low-carbon prosperity? by Barry Saxifrage
Philippines link Super Typhoons to climate change "madness" by Barry Saxifrage
One simple chart explains climate failure: Kyoto to Warsaw by Barry Saxifrage
Tar Secret #5: CO2 per barrel of bitumen going up quickly by Barry Saxifrage
America delivers climate hope, again. US CO2 fell 3.8% by Barry Saxifrage
Tar Secret #3: Alberta exempts 96% of climate pollution by Barry Saxifrage
Tar Secret #2: What % of Canada's GDP comes from tar sands by Barry Saxifrage
Tar Secrets #1: Pssst, Mr Harper, don't let Obama see this by Barry Saxifrage
US increases estimates or CO2 damage: hidden risks in Canada by Barry Saxifrage
Climate change is wild card as tornado seasons smash records by Barry Saxifrage
Do the oilsands threaten our safe climate? by Barry Saxifrage
Is jet-setting compatible with a safe climate? by Barry Saxifrage
Climate pollution from electric vs gasoline cars: chart by Barry Saxifrage
Keystone XL "locks in" more CO2 than Canada emits in decade by Barry Saxifrage
Alberta to cause three-quarters of Canada's climate failure by Barry Saxifrage
WTF? We just had 4000 years of global warming in tw0 decades by Barry Saxifrage
Keystone XL pipeline not needed: US State Dept. report by Barry Saxifrage
Peak Oil solved, but climate will fry: BP report by Barry Saxifrage
Up to $500 billion in damages from Keystone XL oil by Barry Saxifrage
Climate failure from Kyoto to Doha in one simple chart by Barry Saxifrage
Bark beetle just getting started on a continent-wide rampage by Barry Saxifrage
More oil sands in the pipeline than the future will want:IEA by Barry Saxifrage
Climate change powers "Frankenstorm" Sandy by Barry Saxifrage
Rapid collapse of USA coal holds warning for tar sands by Barry Saxifrage
Canada's federal coal regulations too weak to help by Barry Saxifrage
Arctic "death spiral" leaves climate scientists shocked by Barry Saxifrage
Travel's Climate Emissions by Barry Saxifrage
Fraser River salmon dying from climate changes by Barry Saxifrage
The Oil Sands' Big Grab series by Barry Saxifrage
REPORT: The Big Grab. Oil Sands Threaten Canadian Prosperity by Barry Saxifrage
Are the tar sands "too big to fail"? by Barry Saxifrage
Wikileak: Dalai Lama says climate change most urgent. Why? by Barry Saxifrage
2010 dealt Canada and Planet Earth hot, soggy records by Barry Saxifrage
Young leaders grapple with energy, tar sands, and the future by Carrie Saxifrage
UK’s icy misery: unlucky or self-inflicted? by Barry Saxifrage
Overheating Canada helps freeze Europe by Barry Saxifrage
Western Climate Initiative offers hope despite fed paralysis by Carrie Saxifrage
Half of BC pines dead from fossil fuel pollution.Is it over? by Barry Saxifrage
Hottest year broils an unprecedented 18 nations by Barry Saxifrage
USA Midwest ripped by record storm by Barry Saxifrage
Streetcars the missing link in Vancouver transportation? by Carrie Saxifrage
Cooking up a dead planet by Barry Saxifrage
Record temps in Asia lead to death and climate instability by Barry Saxifrage
BC sucks: welcome to Oil 2.0 by Barry Saxifrage
Icelandic volcanic cut humanity's carbon...not much by Barry Saxifrage
Over a Barrel by Barry Saxifrage
Why did we stop flying? by Carrie & Barry Saxifrage
On the Bus by Carrie Saxifrage
Ignoring the Elephant With Wings by Barry Saxifrage
Getting There is Half the Fun by Carrie & Barry Saxifrage
The Rich: Our Biggest Carbon Problem by Barry Saxifrage
In Praise of the Electric Bike by Carrie Saxifrage
Why Bother? Here's Why by Barry Saxifrage
Calculating your Flying Impact by Barry Saxifrage
Myth & Reality: Flying & Climate Change by Barry Saxifrage
Cutting Carbon Makes My Family Happier, by Carrie Saxifrage
Climate Change and BC Salmon by Barry Saxifrage
Cortes Ferry and Climate Change by Barry Saxifrage
Ferry = 200 Prius. Sustainable? by Barry Saxifrage
The New Car: Prius by Carrie Saxifrage
Carbon Counting For You and Me by Carrie Saxifrage
Carbon Offsets: What's Out There? by Carrie Saxifrage
Wood Heat and Climate Change by Barry Saxifrage
Electric vs Propane. Who wins? by Barry Saxifrage
Carbon Counting, Love Miles by Carrie Saxifrage
Riding Towards Climate Change by Carrie Saxifrage
Cool Gift for a Warm World by Carrie Saxifrage
Visual Carbon's Gallery
At VisualCarbon we try to transform complex and invisible climate data into a visual "aha!"

Charts can help us to see trends and solutions quickly. They also help us retain more information for longer. As top climate scientist James Hansen of NASA says: "I hope that more of the public will be willing to look at straightforward scientific graphs of data. Graphs are the most compact, honest way of presenting information, allowing insights about what the data show and helping us distinguish what is significant and what is less important."

Our goal is to get climate information out to people who need to know. Which is all of us. So if you see a chart here that you want to use, please do. You don't even need to include attribution to us.
UK v Canada emissions past and projected by Barry Saxifrage
One flight vs everything else for a year by Barry Saxifrage
One flight vs everything else for a year by Barry Saxifrage
California Top 20 Wildfires -- by year by Barry Saxifrage
California Top 20 Wildfires -- by month by Barry Saxifrage
Kilometers per tonne of climate pollution by Barry Saxifrage
Fossil fuels vs Renewables. Are we there yet? by Barry Saxifrage
Climate action opposites: Canada vs UK by Barry Saxifrage
CO2 levels accelerate up, smash records by Barry Saxifrage
BC climate promises vs Pacific NW LNG pollution by Barry Saxifrage
The international race for low-carbon wealth by Barry Saxifrage
Hooked on junk carbon. Why Canada can't lose carbon weight. by Barry Saxifrage
Canadian Jobs per tonne of climate pollution by Barry Saxifrage
Canadian GDP per tonne of climate pollution by Barry Saxifrage
Climate pollution per kilometer by Barry Saxifrage
Miles per tonne of climate pollution by Barry Saxifrage
Tar sands GHG vs Canada GHG budget by Barry Saxifrage
Tar sands plans vs proposed pipelines by Barry Saxifrage
Alberta's 2030 climate policy: The missing infographic by Barry Saxifrage
Carbon-intensity of Canadian Electricity by Barry Saxifrage
Energy use per Canadian by Barry Saxifrage
Carbon-intensity of Electricity by nation by Barry Saxifrage
Change in carbon-intensity of Canadian electricity by Barry Saxifrage
Humans 0 : Carbon 20 by Barry Saxifrage
Change in carbon-intensity of electricity since 2005 by Barry Saxifrage
Tar sands plans vs Canada's 2C Carbon Budget by Barry Saxifrage
USA oil and coal, with and without carbon pricing by Barry Saxifrage
Global 2C Carbon Budget by Barry Saxifrage
Global 2C Carbon Budget by Barry Saxifrage
"Carbon Tsunami" takes aim at BC by Barry Saxifrage
KXL study ignored need for safe climate future by Barry Saxifrage
Unconventional oil and gas will fry climate: Exxon report by Barry Saxifrage
Climate pollution: 140 nations vs Alberta's tar sands by Barry Saxifrage
Collapsing share prices of US coal hold warning by Barry Saxifrage
Climate failure from Kyoto to Warsaw by Barry Saxifrage
Atmospheric increase in CO2 accelerating by Barry Saxifrage
Who is winning the race to low-carbon prosperity? by Barry Saxifrage
Dirtier barrels of bitumen by Barry Saxifrage
Oil sands industry choosing dirtiest option for new projects by Barry Saxifrage
USA CO2 since 2005 by Barry Saxifrage
CO2 per American back to 1964 levels by Barry Saxifrage
Alberta policies exempt 96% of climate pollution by Barry Saxifrage
Alberta climate policies lead to soaring emissions by Barry Saxifrage
Alberta climate policies driving national failure by Barry Saxifrage
GDP from tar sands by Barry Saxifrage
Provincial GDP from tar sands expansion plans by Barry Saxifrage
Two views of tar sands GDP potential by Barry Saxifrage
Tar sands v US coal by Barry Saxifrage
Tar sands v US coal -- per capita by Barry Saxifrage
Keystone XL = half a trillion dollar in co2 damages by Barry Saxifrage
CO2 damage to society per barrel of oilsands by Barry Saxifrage
social costs of co2 rising for Canada and oilsands by Barry Saxifrage
Tornado seasons smash records by Barry Saxifrage
Oilsands vs Global CO2 Budget by Barry Saxifrage
Climate pollution from electric vs gasoline cars by Barry Saxifrage
One Flight vs. All Year by Barry Saxifrage
Circle of Carbon with oil sands by Barry Saxifrage
Circle of Carbon - nations by Barry Saxifrage
"Most likely" heading for 4C of warming: BP by Barry Saxifrage
Climate failure from Kyoto to Doha in one simple chart by Barry Saxifrage
More oil sands than the future will want by Barry Saxifrage
Collapse of USA coal with carbon pricing by Barry Saxifrage
Canada's weak new coal regulations by Barry Saxifrage
Arctic sea ice collapses by Barry Saxifrage
Worse than worst case... by Barry Saxifrage
Canada's Federal coal regulations too weak to help by Barry Saxifrage
CO2: Provinces vs Pipelines by Barry Saxifrage
Canadian and global carbon footprint trends by Barry Saxifrage
Americans' carbon footprint back to 1964 levels by Barry Saxifrage
Generation Hot by Barry Saxifrage
Transportation CO2 per person by Barry Saxifrage
Virtual carbon taxes on gasoline by Barry Saxifrage
BC tax on carbon fuels tiny compared to UK by Barry Saxifrage
The high cost of cheap gasoline by Barry Saxifrage
Tar sands vs entire nations by Barry Saxifrage
Carbon bomb? You decide. by Barry Saxifrage
Vancouver's 100-mile carbon hot spots by Barry Saxifrage
Oil sands jobs and GDP per tonne CO2 by Barry Saxifrage
Oil sands equal share vs planned grab by Barry Saxifrage
World Electricity Prices by Barry Saxifrage
Oilsands are small part of Canadian Economy by Barry Saxifrage
Canada GDP per tonne CO2 by Barry Saxifrage
Canada out of step with USA on GHG trends by Barry Saxifrage
Fuel Switching in BC by Barry Saxifrage
BC Energy Today: mostly private, mostly dirty by Barry Saxifrage
BC Fossil Fuel Production Trends by Barry Saxifrage
Canada trails USA & EU in cleaning economy by Barry Saxifrage
Canadian GHG Trends by sector by Barry Saxifrage
Canadian Provincial GHG trends by Barry Saxifrage
Canadian Provincial GHG per capita by Barry Saxifrage
Canadian Provincial GHG per dollar by Barry Saxifrage
Over a Barrel by Barry Saxifrage
BC Green Energy Needs by Barry Saxifrage
Climate Emission By Wealth by Barry Saxifrage
Climate Emissions by Type of Vehicle by Barry Saxifrage
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