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General · 13th May 2014
Barry Saxifrage
US government says that higher natural gas production leads to higher CO2 emissions.

(NOTE: This article originally published March 28, 2014 on the

America's surge in cheap fracked gas is acting like a climate change Jekyll and Hyde. In the public eye, fracked gas is being applauded for replacing climate-dirtier coal burning. But behind the scenes, it is also an efficient killer of climate-safer energy projects.

The net result - - according to projections from the US government's Energy Information Agency (EIA) - - will be higher levels of climate pollution in the long run. The EIA's flagship Annual Energy Outlook report projects that the greater the supply of fracked natural gas in America the higher that nation's CO2 emissions will become.

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Click here to continue reading the full article at the Vancouver Observer
High-levels of fracked natural gas leads to same amount of CO2 as if there were no climate efforts at all
High-levels of fracked natural gas leads to same amount of CO2 as if there were no climate efforts at all