Secretary Kerry says US is "committed to doing its part" to fight climate crisis, but his own department's report expects only failure.
(NOTE: This article originally published March 11, 2014 on the Secretary of State John Kerry claims "the United States is committed to doing its part" to fight the "clear and present danger" of the climate crisis.
But a high-profile, eleven-volume, multi-year study from his own department says to expect only rising carbon emissions and broken climate promises from America.
The only future this State Department study expects will occur is one in which:
* America fails to meet President Obama's Copenhagen Accord target
* America emits even more CO2 in 2040 than it does today
* American CO2 levels are consistent with the International Energy Agency's (IEA) scenario for +6C of global warming
The IEA says such a future would be a "catastrophe for all of us." International Monetary Fund (IMF) director has stated bluntly that in a world that hot, "future generations will be roasted, toasted, fried and grilled."
In other words, spectacular American failure. Game over....
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